Lakshmi, A Force of Goodness
May 09, 2022
The goddess Lakshmi, consort to Lord Narayana, is beauty personified. Lakshmi Ma is known for her grace and gift for manifesting the highest desires of those who are devoted to her. When honored well, she rains blessings on the individual causing her to realize her highest potential and full purpose. Lakshmi, as a goddess, represents the energy of Narayana. As a divine force, she is said to heal the devotee on the inside allowing her to put all things in right order in life. The inner clarity and alignment that comes from honoring Lakshmi, yields prosperity and ease in the life of the practitioner.
Lakshmi is known by many names, such as: Ma, Shri, Padma. Each name reveals a subtle aspect to the goddess. For example, Laskhmi as Ma, is a healing, nurturing, divine mother, and a powerful force of protection. As Shri, she is the divine mother as a fountain of radiance, benevolent beauty and feminine strength. As Padma, she is known as the fully blossomed lotus, and thus offers the devoted the opportunity through his/her offerings alignment and fulfillment in life.
As far back as the Rg Veda the word ‘laksmi’ is found:
bhadraiį¹£aį¹ lakį¹£mÄ«rnihitÄdhi vÄci
Which means: an auspicious fortune is attached to their words.
~ Translation John Muir, Wikpedia
Here the word is used to mark an auspicious fortune.
It is precisely for these reasons that modern seekers of Yogic wisdom, propitiate Lakshmi Devi. Extending sincere respect to Lakshmi garners her blessings and sets one up to connect with her luminous divine force.
Sanskrit Verse Honoring Maha Lakshmi
Sarvajñe Sarva-Varade Sarva-Duį¹£į¹a-Bhayaį¹ kari
Sarva-Duįø„kha-Hare Devi MahÄlakį¹£mi Namo’ Stu Te
Respect to you O Mother Goddess, Maha Lakshmi. You who are the knower of all and the giver of the best boons. You, are she whom the wicked are afraid of. You destroy all the sufferings of your devotees. O Maha Lakshmi, we honor you again and again.
Luminous Soul Practice:
Draw the blessing of Lakshmi into your own life with this simple genuine offering: In a clean location, place a flower in front of an image or statue of Lakshmi Ma. Place a small candle in front of the deity then light it. Each day, take three settling breaths and chant this verse in honor of her. Watch the grace of Lakshmi unfold in your own life.
© Luminous Shabda, Sanskrit Studies, Manorama
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