Devotion in the Bhagavad Gita By Manorama
Jul 21, 2022
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 9 verse 26
Patram Pushpam Phalam Toyam Yo Me BhaktyÄ Prayacchati
Tam Aham Bhaktyupahrtam AÅnÄmi PrayatÄtmanah
He who offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water,
I receive that devotional offering from one who’s mind is restrained.
audio above
Devotion in the Bhagavad Gita
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna instructs Arjuna how to live a yogic life. In the above Sanskrit verse (Chapter 9 verse 26), Krishna tells Arjuna when one makes sincere offering to god, even when it is something small, like a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, Krishna will receive that devotional offering. What does it mean for Krishna to receive an offering? In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna represents distinct and overlapping elements. He is the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, who incarnated into form to help rid the world of suffering. Simultaneously, he is a loving teacher, who guides his student, Arjuna. The capitalization of the ‘m’ in the word ‘Me’ throughout verse translations, refers to Krishna as Supreme God, the avatar of the all-powerful Lord Vishnu. The reader should understand that when Krishna refers to himself, as Me with a capital ‘M’ he is not simply referring to himself, as an embodied being named Krishna, the capitalization of 'M' in Me is marking for the reader the notion that Krishna understands himself not as form but as God himself.
When God receives an offering the offering becomes a part of him. For Krishna to receive the offering, he tells Arjuna that one must make that offering with devotion. The verse tells us that the devotional offering is a bridge that links the offerer with the reception of God.
A Quiet Mind
What is a quiet mind? A quiet mind is a mind devoid of thought. In ordinary men and women, the mind moves from one thought to the next in endless succession. According to Yoga, a quiet mind is a mind at rest. This is the calm mind devoid of thought. One who has a quiet mind is called a yogi or yogini. He/she is not moved through life via thoughts alone. Instead, establishes awareness beyond thought and derives inner guidance from that which lies beyond thoughts altogether. Krishna, says he will accept the devotional offering and the offering will merge in him and become him, but that will only happen when the offering is made by one whose mind is restrained. One whose mind is restrained is a quiet mind. The Bhagavad Gita says our job as a Yoga practitioner is to quiet our mind. Yoga Meditation helps us cultivate that quiet mind. A quiet mind is calm and luminous.
Luminous Soul Method Exercise:
Sit quietly for 8 minutes
Pay attention to your breathing
Survey your body
Sense any tension bring your awareness there and soften
Watch your thoughts as they rise and fall
Don’t move to make meaning just watch
Venture out beyond mind and feel what you are beyond thought
Be with that
©2022 Luminous Shabda, Luminous Soul & Manorama
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Luminous Soul
Living Gita Retreat
with Manorama
Sat, Sun, July 30th & 31st, 2022
In the Luminous Soul Living Gita Retreat, (hyperlink) with Manorama, spend a weekend immersed in yogic practice. Chant select Bhagavad Gita verses, study the Sanskrit language study the Luminous Soul Method understanding of the verses and yogic unity. We will approach the Bhagavad Gita as a Yogic Upanishad.
This July share time in community whether in person or online and be guided on the next step in your Yogic growth.
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